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Aquarius Season

Screams of liberation flow into grids of plasmic fire.

We enter a time outside of time, where space is relative to consciousness and objects pop in and out of structured forms in the blink of a star. Welcome to the strange midwinter winds and waters of Aquarius. Even though this is a fixed and anchored sort of energy, there are so many aspects happening this month that it will really feel like we hopped into a supersonic slipstream that may be quite disorienting at times. The modern ruler of Aquarius, Uranus, initiates processes of individuation and liberation, freeing us from the bonds of soul trauma and karma in divinely guided explosions and implosions of life as we knew it. In our earthly body this time governs the nervous system, the energy body and channels such as meridians, the higher mind that holds ones library of ancient memories and the connection to ones higher self.

This season is associated with The Star card and the Hebrew word - heh - which means window. There’s a power to be had when the animating force of the Sun is traversing its most challenging sky degrees that opens a portal to another realm. Here different cosmic energies can work their magic with our lives, restructuring them according to a larger set of blueprints that are set upon the prevailing shifts in consciousness held within this multi-dimensional web of life. Trust the radical changes that this season may hold for yourself, your community and humanity.

It’s noteworthy on a mundane astrological level that every presidential transfer of power occurs within this energy grid. Hope for the future, sweeping radical change and large scale programs that harness this collective energy always loom on the horizon every four years. It feels especially doomtastic this year with Pluto waiting with crossed arms to welcome the Sun, the Sun holding the energy of the king or head of state. We see this playing out in the extreme polarities of people’s reactions to the inauguration of #47, with his supporters enraptured in an emotional tidal wave of hope and fury, while the other side of the coin anticipates a living horror show. And then there’s the folks who have really stepped into the next level of Aquarius to be detached from the puppet-circus show altogether, seeing how each “side” feeds the beast, and so are doing their best to live outside of this constructed cage of consensus reality and do their thing, free of the powers that shouldn’t be. That said, yes there will be some truly horrific shit that happens and some surprising and uplifting moments as well, but hopefully more and more people can shift out of the conditioned parameters that have held populations captive for so long, and individuate from the collective to experience what freedom truly feels like and not the apparitions of it that require subversive marketing campaigns to sell it and perpetuate warfare.

We have a key transit that is in a tight configuration for this entire season of strangeness that will only add to the dreamlike nature of wtf is happening, with Neptune and the North Node conjunct in the last degrees of Pisces. It’s truly an out of this world overlay that we won’t experience again in this lifetime… (there’s more to be said about this at the exact conjunction on February 6).

Godspeed earthlings.

Sunday January 19 - Sun enters Aquarius // Mercury 17º Capricorn sextile Venus & Saturn 16º- 17º Pisces - Acquaint your psyche with the mantra “expect the unexpected”. This will support your nervous system and very human mental state to ride the fixed airwaves that begin on this day. I say fragile because you remove all familiar senses and references for reality as it is known for most people, there’s a good chance there’s a mental breakdown soon to follow. Successful navigation requires an understanding of this alchemical process of transformation, and applying it to frame these collective breakdowns and breakthroughs. There’s fertile compost for radically new systems of humanity to emerge in these flashes of change.

Mercury, who holds the great title of the alchemist and magician blesses our minds with a practical roadmap of the terrain on this journey back to the One. It may be a more technical and harsh understanding of the realities of what love is. A talisman or message may find its way to you, as a reminder of your connection to the whole of life. One may also realize how a seemingly limited belief or value system has actually served a greater purpose that provided a necessary support to get you to this point in time, and now it can be allowed to decompose.

Tuesday January 21 - Sun conjunct Pluto 1º Aquarius // Mercury 19º Capricorn square Chiron 19º Aries - A point of potentially dramatic transformation that may feel like an event horizon is crossed. Our collective human essence begins a new cycle with the evolutionary soul, a new depth is awakened illuminating the monsters and gremlins that will be dealt with this next year. Alliances and allegiances may shift. The Moon also makes an exact 3rd quarter square from the dark waters of Scorpio this day, ushering in an intensifying descent and decomposition process for the next week. Don’t believe everything you feel. Investigate more layers of your psychological landscape from an observer’s detached point of view.

There’s a second 3rd quarter square happening, this one between Mercury and Chiron, activating another decomposition process dealing with ones mental framework of how one fits into a social hierarchy that has been based upon wounded aspects of the inner warrior. Inherited ancestral memories of ones willpower getting crushed or wielding the weapons of war that have initiated the crushing of entire peoples could arise. These experiences set up a well contained yet brittle, black and white logic to social orders to control how people think and limit their ability to evolve, effect great change and thrive.

Thursday January 23 - Mercury 23º Capricorn opposite Mars rx 23º Cancer & trine Uranus rx 23º Taurus with Moon 23º+ Scorpio in trine & sextile to Mercury & Mars & opposite Uranus - Here’s a visual of what that all is, and X marking the spot.

Water and Earth dominate the skies, using their power to draw us down into the realities of what truly matters for ones physical and emotional survival. Open your mind to receive some ego destroying guidance that reveals another layer of early conditioning that has held one captive. One must let go of the comforts of ones conditioned reality to move into a new order of being. Visceral experiences of the invisible chains of the mind catalyze a liberated response to change the power dynamics of the arrangement. Much can be seen in reflections on this day. There may be an attempt by those in positions of power to capture people in their constructed matrixes that feed on fear and our body’s ancestral reactions to security threats. We have the opportunity to negate their influence with a grounded application of shit that has worked for a long, long time, generally simplified living. Contemplate what this looks like, feels like, was like long ago when times were harder and people were stronger.

Saturday January 25 - Venus 22º Pisces trine Mars rx 22º Cancer - There’s a gift being offered that softens some of the inner turmoil that’s been excavated from ones past experiences of home and family. An expanded understanding of how these early attachment patterns and threats to your developing security have impacted all relationships could open up. Remembrance of the Divine Mother is very present, so we can feel how it would be to exist within this dimension of a wholly intact and interconnected life. Take some time to feel this and record it within yourself.

Sunday January 26 - Mercury 28º Capricorn sextile Neptune & North Node 28º Pisces, trine South Node 28º Virgo - Memories of past failures in discernment could arise to be applied to current experiences of spiritual work, dreams and all of these spaces where illusory ideas and images are easily present. A pragmatic check in of personal and collective biases that have previously held one back from a true connection to Source/God/Oneness. This could involve past conditions of servitude or slavery that were based upon the very flawed reasoning that some people are not truly human. Or memories of rituals being used for building egos and harvesting these energies for ill will. Or something more present could be an awakening to the ways that ingrained authoritarian ideals of perfection have inhibited your ways of being in service to yourself and to others.

Monday-Tuesday January 27-28 - Mercury enters Aquarius and conjuncts Pluto 1º Aquarius - The alchemist and messenger enters the cosmic laboratory where ideas and imaginings that are ahead of their time pop into reality. Mind liberation time! Use this period that goes until February 14 to bring some wild and radical thoughts into crystallized form. Whether diving into ancient stone energy tech, energetic healing practices or multi-dimensional off planet tech, it is time to eschew the consensus reality and operate within a much stranger understanding of what is possible. With Pluto’s involvement there’s an intense push to move our collective consciousness into more cohesive connection with the evolving cosmos. This push also brings to light the ways that people have weaponized this technology for nefarious purposes, for a very long time. There may be a clarification of how one is to harness this raw power to transform ones world in a better way. God and Earth and our entire Universe are in a continuous process of evolution, not just humanity. How is their process of evolution going? What does individuation look like for an entire universe, or God? Questions to ponder these next couple of weeks as the messenger of the gods travels through this vast energetic window of time.

Wednesday January 29 - Lunar Imbolc New Moon 9º Aquarius - The cross quarter New Moon opens an opportunity to seed a liberating dream for the future in resonance with ones higher self and the larger organizing principles of the world. The ruler of this Moon, Uranus, is super powerful at this time as it is churning and building energy to station direct tomorrow, so hop on this energy wave with your clearest and highest intentions for your personal transformation and observe the ripples this creates in your external environment.

Thursday January 30 - Uranus stations direct 23º Taurus // Sun 11º Aquarius trine Jupiter rx 11º Gemini - The Great Awakener and deconstructor of stagnation reactivates this place in our lives where stability, consistency and security are most treasured. Uranus will slowly start to progress through the last 7º of Taurus now, turning over the seemingly well rooted systems that control Earth’s abundant resources. Disruptions in these vital areas will continue to erupt, forcing radical changes to the ways that food, shelter and currency are created and distributed.

There may be a personal revelation that infuses the heart with some optimistic, dare I say, hope for the future? Keep an ear tuned to receive an inspiring story or symbolic message that expands a potential vision that you’ve held in this sacred space.

Saturday February 1 - Venus conjunct Neptune, the North Node & Moon at 28º Pisces - Mark this day for one of the most magical and potent times to embrace, dissolve into and expand your highest spiritual potential. Neptune holds the higher octave energy of Venus, giving the world a set of rose-colored glasses to view life with, enjoy the present moment but don’t attach a long term ideation to anything, yet. Note that with everything there is an equal and opposite reaction, as all of these planets face the South Node in Virgo. So while we may personally have a transcendent experience or enjoy some (much needed) universal team support coming in, there will be a kick up of human dust where discordant darkness also gets activated. Inner narratives of self doubt and not being good enough may make an entrance, while on a larger collective level attempts to further manipulate these spiritual energies and conscious states may also be expected. Keep your discernment suit on as the world is plunged into this wondrous and wild field of energy.

Monday February 3 - Astrological Imbolc Sun 15º Aquarius // Mercury 11º Aquarius trine Jupiter 11º Gemini // Mars rx 19º Cancer square Chiron 19º Aries // Venus enters Aries - The Sun marks the midpoint of winter’s reign, celebrate the returning light and commit to a final pilgrimage to the core of your inner stillness and center. Mercury enlightens our mental states with some sage advice from Jupiter, perhaps bringing more clarity and direction to the information felt from the Sun’s trine to Jupiter just a few days ago.

Overshadowing these aspects may be the edgier square of Mars and Chiron, as feelings and emotions get muddled in a mess of broken boundaries and displaced rage. Ghosts of old battlegrounds emerge, instinctual posturing takes hold and re-enactments of internal civil wars ensue, quite possibly radiating out to color your world red. This is the setup of the territory that sensitive Venus enters, a hard landing from her last few days in the visionary dreamland of Pisces with Neptune and the North Node. There may be some quick and decisive actions to be taken in certain relationships and with finances, where it feels like a spell may have broken and the reality of the disenchantment suddenly lands. Watch how fast ones values and priorities can shift with the fiery momentum that Aries brings.

Tuesday February 4 - Jupiter stations direct 11º Gemini - Get excited that things you’ve been researching, gathering data on, dreaming up stories about and deeply contemplating will finally start to take off as Jupiter moves forward. As it starts to speed up later this month, opportunities and fun distractions may start to pile up, quickly filling ones social plate with an inordinate amount of scattered experiences. Choose wisely by keeping a sharp focus on your larger goals and higher organizing principles.

Thursday February 6 - Neptune conjunct North Node 28º Pisces - This has been in effect for a little while, super charging dreams, spiritual work and visionary states, as well as the blindspots held within ones psyche and soul. The world is being held in a potent channel of direct connection with the creative source energy of our universe. Just meeting our maker, no big deal… We won’t get this experience again in our lifetimes. All that is not aligned with the evolving nature of this creator energy will, once again, be illuminated to be dealt with. Places we’ve held ourselves captive with resulting fallouts of addictive behaviors, psychosis or catatonic responses could receive the necessary pulse to resolve some root causes of these issues. The veils of reality dissolve, as the threads that have created and held the tapestry of your worldview together vanish. Quantum physicists may have a mind bending heyday. Experiences will vary depending on ones relationship to consciousness and whether that exists within a consensus reality, an individuated state of being, or an anchored state of spiritual strangeness that defies explanation. Cultivate a sense of pronoia, where you know that the universe is always conspiring in your favor. Channeling this energy into creative projects, medicines, songs, inner journeys and candlelit baths is highly encouraged. With a 1º orb this transit is in effect from about January 25 - February 22.

Friday February 7 - Venus 2º Aries sextile Pluto 2º Aquarius - A surge of power supports attempts to assert oneself in burgeoning relationships as well as securing some semblance of financial independence. There’s also an opportunity to reclaim a deeper sense of self love that reverberates back to a much older soul experience where this was shattered.

Sunday February 9 - Sun conjunct Mercury 21º Aquarius // Mars rx 18º trine Saturn 18º Pisces - The energetic structures of our mental perceptions and thoughtforms undergoes a profound transformation, initiating a radical rebirthing process that has new channels organized to ones akashic or ancient ancestral memories. This will potentially feel hazy with little insight into what is going on, let it be. Anxious feelings and strange energy surges in the body could also manifest as symptoms of this process. Support your nervous system this week with nourishing, mineral rich foods and herbal infusions of oatstraw and/or nettles.

Ones discipline and endurance may be tested by an annoying and/or anger inducing experience that is pointing a helpful finger at a part of your energy field that is ready for re-integration. Ask yourself if this is a repetitive pattern that could be traced back to a dynamic in your family home. Find this seed of discontent to unravel its power over you, knowing that it lays another foundational stone in this slow rebuild of your inner fire and willpower. This is the second and possibly most humbling of three trines to Saturn in the Mars retrograde.

Monday-Tuesday February 10-11 - Mercury 23º Aquarius square Uranus 23º Taurus followed by the Sun 23º square Uranus - The lightning bolts of change will be dis-interrupting the collective energy field, creating space for brilliant, heart centered ideas to crystallize into reality. There may be a series of destabilizing shake ups in collective resource systems; food, electricity, communications and internet, etc… These events are the build up to the big, showy Full Moon that follows! Decentralization is the key take away from whatever this manifests as, freeing us from these giant, parasitic organizations of energy that do not resonate with the evolutionary path of the planet and cosmos. Study the life of a mushroom and situate your life to reflect the genius that this kingdom holds.

Wednesday February 12 - Full Moon 23º Leo, Sun 23º Aquarius - This Full Moon is still holding a square to Uranus, so the reset vibes continue. This t-square formation gives instruction to channel this energy into the fixed waters and depths of Scorpio. There’s a requirement to walk straight into the valley of death to face the deepest psychological fears and threats to ones survival from a higher perspective. A shedding takes place that uncovers a deeper layer of authenticity that had been hidden away. Witness this process with the eyes of an eagle and heart of a warrior. The only way out is through, the options to bypass the truth that wants to emerge have run out. Thankfully we have about a week to process and integrate all that is being transformed, with a downturn of planetary activity until Pisces season begins.

Friday February 14 - Mercury enters Pisces - The final ingress this season, our minds and nervous systems receive a bit of a break in intensity here as they enter the nourishing and dissolving waters of the great spirit. Allow yourself to drift in and out of these liminal visionary states these coming days, taking in the symbolism and synchronicities that the universe offers in its infinite wisdom and sense of humor. Symbolic languages will be the prevalent means of communication these next couple of weeks. Pay extra attention to dreams, repeating numbers, archetypes and really any people or moments in time that have an extra sparkly shine to them, they hold a message for you. Mercury is in the depths of consciousness and spirit through March 2.

Well, we now have a greater vision and understanding of what Pluto’s activation of the Aquarian waves have in store these next couple decades, as each Sun trip through this sign will enlighten another layer of this collective transformation underway. What has changed for you personally, and how has it been reflected in the community of friends and allies in your life? Consider that this has been a primer for the eclipses that begin next month, which will continue to rattle and roll through the landscapes of spirit, mind and matter, reshaping all known territories for the mystery of this cosmic evolution.

Agarikon mushroom - “ghost bread” & “the elixir of long life”. An elder and great teacher of the forest that can reconnect what has been broken in human’s relationship to the greater web and energy field of life.
Agarikon mushroom - “ghost bread” & “the elixir of long life”. An elder and great teacher of the forest that can reconnect what has been broken in human’s relationship to the greater web and energy field of life.




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